
Lunch and tea at Wood St Nursery is cooked onsite by our very experienced cook Christina. Breakfast is prepared by our kitchen assistant Vivienne, who also sits and has breakfast with our youngest children in Willows. Both Christian and Vivienne hold Food safety and hygiene qualifications.

The children have breakfast, a morning snack, lunch and a light tea. The children have drinking water accessible at all times.

At snack time Chestnut and Oak children are offered snacks but can choose to partake or not. Snacks are a mixture of at least 3 different seasonal fruits and vegetables and a variety of multigrain or rye crackers or rice cakes with butter or cream cheese or an equivalent vegan option.

At lunch time as they sit down children are offered crudities, a variety of cucumber, mixed peppers, tomatoes and carrots. We find this is a really helpful way to encourage more veg eating and also to help children wait for their friends before lunch starts.

Willows and Chestnuts are offered a drink and cracker on waking in the afternoon. At meal times, staff sit with the children and eat the same food; we offer all staff a free lunch and we believe meal times are an important sociable time. Breakfast is from 8 to 8:45 and snacks from 9:30 to 10:15. Lunch is staggered, Willows 11:45, Chestnuts 12:00 and Oaks 12:15 Tea is earlier for Willows at 3:45, both Oaks and Chestnuts eat at 4pm.

Each day there will also be snacks available in the morning and afternoon consisting of a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables depending on what looks fresh and tasty when we go shopping; a range of rice cakes/breadsticks/oatcakes/naan bread etc. Water is available to drink at all times and offered with snacks. Children will be offered milk to drink with breakfast and afternoon snack. At times we modify the menu due to changes in availability and what is in season. Please find our weekly menus below.