In order to make the waiting list efficient and effective please note the following:
- Our minimum offer is 3 days a week.
- We only take registrations after your baby is born.
- We will communicate with you via email so please ensure this is correct.
- The waiting list operates more like a waiting pool. This means you are only in competition with families who want a similar place to you. Therefore you may see some families offered a place before you, even though you were on the waiting list longer. This is because they match the criteria for that specific place and you do not.
- When a place becomes available we will email the first 10 people on the waiting list who fit the criteria for the place. If we have more than one positive response we will offer the place in the order of the waiting list.
- You will be offered a visit to the nursery to look around and meet staff before you make a decision about accepting a place. Visits are not offered earlier in order to minimise the disruption caused to the children in the nursery.
- In order to make the waiting list manageable it will be reset annually on the 31st of January, starting on the 31st of January 2022. Therefore you will need to re-register each year in February if you would like to stay on the waiting list. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this but it is the only way to make the waiting list current and manageble.
- If you have flexibility with respect to days and start date please add a note at the bottom of the form.
- We offer a settling-in process based on your child’s needs. We provide 6 two-hour sessions for free to help your child settle into nursery before you begin paying for your place. To meet the needs of your child you will then need to do a number of short days for them to transition to nursery life, before they can be left for their full sessions. We tailor this to individual children’s needs. For under 3s, settling-in will take at least 3 weeks, but possibly more. For 3 and 4 year olds, at least 2 weeks, but possibly more. For this period of time we will need you or someone who your child has a close attachment with available to be in the nursery or close by (10/15 minutes away) for early collections. We are an attachment nursery, and this is non-negotiable. Please see the settling-in policy for more details.
Please use the following link in order to register your child for a place at the nursery:
Wood St Nursery Enquiry (Famly)
You will receive an email confirmation once you have registered. If you do not, please contact the managers at